lundi 25 août 2014


The incident with the tree...

So Ugolin and Papet go to see Pique-Bouffigue to buy his lands. PB is sitting in a tree, then Papet pulls him out by his ankles,,, they think the worst, but no... PB has just lost his memory.
Is Pagnol telling us it is the law of the jungle out there? Or something else? In any case, I'm not having ANY of them round for tea. Not till Jean de Florette turns up anyway :-)

mardi 19 août 2014


What happens in court?
What does Pique-Bouffigue say about the verdict?
What does the mayor throw on his return?
What does Pique-Bouffigue say at this event?

To be honest, I nearly fell out my seat when I read p42...

Not so sure I want to move there now...

What do you think?

mardi 12 août 2014


So you've got this beautiful landscape, and er, some 'colourful' locals. Do you think the author, Pagnol, wants us to like farmer Pique-Bouffique or Simenon?

mardi 5 août 2014


Alors nous avons César (ou Papet)

et puis nous avons Ugolin (Galinette)

What do you know about them so far?