mardi 30 septembre 2014


A letter from Grffignette and Ugolin hiding under the flowers. Why the letter and why the hiding?

9 commentaires:

  1. Mm mm. Given I'm presently reading P90 I ought to have noticed the hidden letter but didn't. Must have skimmed that - need to double back ����
    Hope you like the emoji I just discovered

    1. How did you do that? Impressed.

    2. Tout a coup J'ai trouvé un petit visage au pied. Ca m'amuse beaucoup! Et au meme temps, J'ai decouvru que je peus envoyer les emails comme ca de cette machine!
      Pardon my French - as you may guess that was without the aid of a dictionary!

    3. Tu m'aide! qu'est ce que un emoji?

    4. Par example----��������������������

  2. And now I realise I was not looking for a letter hidden under the flowers. Doh! The letter was to update Cesar about progress with PB's property and Ugolin was nearly caught snooping there by the arrival of "le bossu" - pardon- and had to hide under the broom Sadly not gorse!

  3. Est ce que le lettre dis que Griffgnate fut inheritie la ferme. ? I agreewas snooping with Margot that Ugolin was snooping around and hid under the broom.
    Should have been gorse ? I smell trouble!

  4. Oops! Sorry this machine has started putting the text where it thinks fit. Margo I am sure was not snooping with Ugolin!!
