What does Pique-Bouffigue say about the verdict?
What does the mayor throw on his return?
What does Pique-Bouffigue say at this event?
To be honest, I nearly fell out my seat when I read p42...
Not so sure I want to move there now...
What do you think?
Margot dit
P-B is acquitted because his advocate rubbishes the only evidence - a button. P-B is delighted and having checked that he can never be retried for this crime he says that he is happy to have killed Siméon but it would have hurt him not to be able to say so.
The mayor served drinks to celebrate the release of the "innocent' who sweetly says "that's a load of bullshit" and goes on to boast about the details.
This is not so far-fetched - until Nov 2011 in Scotland the same would have happened - tried and found not guilty of a crime and admitting responsibility afterwards, you couldn't be tried again. Carrying fairness a tad too far!"
I was totally shocked by BP getting away with murder ! I really thought he was going to the guillotine, or, at least hoped he was. A party to celebrate his "innocence" was a step too far. I was quite liking Simeon's characteristics. A bit of a free spirit. Still have a lot of words to check but I think I am getting the gist of it!! Not too sure if I want to read on as I found this story a bit upsetting. What will the author write next?
RépondreSupprimerBP may be about to get his comeuppance... Hope you not too upset? :-( Can lend you my 'BD' version if you prefer?
SupprimerThe main story is about to start. The library have the DVD. It might be useful too? Lots of questions today. Bit of a thoughtful mood today. U ok?