So Ugolin and Papet go to see Pique-Bouffigue to buy his lands. PB is sitting in a tree, then Papet pulls him out by his ankles,,, they think the worst, but no... PB has just lost his memory.
Is Pagnol telling us it is the law of the jungle out there? Or something else? In any case, I'm not having ANY of them round for tea. Not till Jean de Florette turns up anyway :-)
3rd attempt to send this - More casualties than Corrie. I think this demonstrates that the rural life is no idyll. More examples of men - nb no women - behaving badly! I think they'd have preferred PB to be dead and had worked out how that would benefit them and considered finishing him off. I think I saw this film but it is not ringing any bells!
RépondreSupprimerhow funny is Atillio's letter in the next section?
RépondreSupprimerThe film starts after this section!
RépondreSupprimeraah - that explains it!
RépondreSupprimerHave left my book at home and am recuperating near Stirling so I can't remind myself about his letters but I was amused - and a bit comforted - by the spelling and grammar. Suddenly i felt less inadequate.......a wee bit
Look after yourself :-)