lundi 17 mars 2014

Chapter 12

Some vocabulary challenges from this very short chapter:


fut (clue: it's part of a verb)


plaindre (plaignait in the text)

And a question:

why does this man drink?

6 commentaires:

  1. Buveur - is a drinker, toper, boozer (from boire)
    Fût (the imperfect subjunctive 3rd person singular of faire) and s'en faire to worry
    Lugubre - as in English - a lovely gloomy word
    Plaindre is to feel sorry for.. or se plaindre - to grumble

    The poor old drinker drinks to forget the shame of drinking - and it doesn't seem to work

    ps i need to check out what the subjunctive is in English and do a lot of work on French verbs!

    1. We hardly use the subjunctive in English. I think that is what causes most angst for us anglophones. I'll let you see a few notes on it cette semaine.

  2. I think 'fut' is the past historic from etre ? meaning 'was' in this instant ? The reason being that this 'fut' has no accent /\ . Peut-etre!
    I agree with Margot on the other two.

    1. Yes, fut is the past historic form of être, meaning 'was' here.

  3. Chapitre 13. un hanneton means cockchafer ?? A what??
